Podcast research


Gery Ardian - This is a Indonesian podcast made by Gery Ardian that makes short episodes not having a consistent length of time, mostly short ones depending on the topic he is talking about. The podcast talks about relationship advice. This podcast targets specifically to hopeless romantic male audience ranging from 16-30. I really like the advice he gives to his audiences and how its very relaxing to listen to even if you feel down, it makes my day feel a little bit better having to listen to problems that I often struggle with.

Trash Taste - Trash Taste is a weekly audio and video podcast hosted by the three tokyo-based content creators, Joey Bizinger, Garnt Maneetapho, and Connor Colquhoun. This podcast primarily focuses on anime and Japanese pop culture. This podcast generally discusses Japanese culture and life in Japan. I think the audiences is clearly the fans of their channels, but also more specifically men and women audiences ranging from 14-30 that watch anime and Japanese culture .I really like this podcast because it makes me feel like I'm sitting in the same room and having a discussion that I usually have with my friends which make me take my mind off of things.


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